Acne treatment works by reducing the oil production, the prevention of bacterial infection fixing the cell renewal of the skin or a combination of these techniques.
Over-the-counter treatment
Acne lotions are used to dry the oil, promote shedding of dead skin cells and kill bacteria. These lotions can comprise ingredients such as sulfur, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or resorcinol as main ingredients. OTC treatment is effective against mild acne. Initially, you may experience some side effects, such as dryness or irritation of the skin effect.
The topical treatment of acne prescribed
Topical treatments are also available with a prescription. If OTC treatment is ineffective, consider visiting a dermatologist for the most effective prescription lotion. Typically, drugs are used rich in vitamin A, such as adapalene, tretinoin, tazarotene and. Antibiotic lotions are used to kill bacteria on the skin excessively.
If it comes through the prescribed acne medications, the results may not be visible for up to four to eight weeks. In some cases, the skin becomes worse before the drugs begin to show results.Your dermatologist may recommend a combination of topical and oral medications for the treatment of acne. During pregnancy, the oral drugs should be avoided, especially in the first quarter.
Oral antibiotics
Oral antibiotics are usually recommended for the treatment of moderate to severe acne. This drug is used to fight against skin inflammation and kill excess bacteria. In most cases, oral antibiotics are prescribed in combination with topical therapy.
This powerful medicine is used to treat acne that does not respond to other methods. Although very effective, there remains a risk of serious side effects. As such, dermatologists closely follow the people who use this form of treatment.
Isotretinoin is used against the most severe forms of acne and should not be eaten during pregnancy. women of childbearing age to undergo a treatment program approved by the Food and Drug Administration for prescription required. the most common side effects of this treatment include itching, dry lips, nose and skin, nosebleeds, sun sensitivity, reduced night vision and muscle pain.
Oral contraceptives
Oral contraceptives can also help acne. known oral contraceptives side effects include nausea, depression and headaches. The most serious potential side effect is the risk of blood clots, high blood pressure and heart disease.
Laser therapy
Laser therapy aims to achieve the inner layers of skin without damaging the surface. It is used to damage the sebaceous glands and encourage them to produce less oil.
Light Therapy
similar functions therapy for the treatment laser light. It is used to treat the bacteria that causes inflammation of the skin. A laser mixing and light therapies are also used to improve skin texture and reduce the visibility of scars. These therapies can cause mild skin irritation.
Worried of acne? We have the solution you need. Treat acne on his face to stop pimples and get your skin glowing again. For more details on the status and treatment of acne, visit Nitai today.
By: Smith Francis
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