Tips for maintaining healthy ears

Here are some suggestions for maintaining the health of your ears.


1. Never pierce your ears with anything. The lining of the ear is extremely brittle and is readily damaged.

2. Don't wipe your ears with cotton buds. They may aggravate the ear canal and force wax back inside, making removal more challenging.

3. Wash the area behind the ear as well as the portion that is visible to maintain clean ears. After that, dry with a tiny towel and wipe the soap away with your rinsing fingertips.

4. Avoid submerging your ears in the bath water because body bacteria could do so and infect your ear canal.

5. To soften earwax and help it to naturally come out of the ear, try putting a drop of olive oil in each ear once a week.

6. To shield your hearing from noise and dust, wear earplugs.

7. Avoid ignoring ear issues because they won't get better without the proper care. The longer it takes to treat an ear issue, the longer you may have to wait.

The best place to start if you believe noise at work could be impairing your hearing is by speaking with your employer, who is legally required by EU regulations to evaluate and manage the risks. As a general rule, if the noise at work is louder than a busy street, you shouldn't have to wear ear protection.

Our skilled audiologists have the knowledge and experience to address any inquiries you may have about hearing protection and to be able to provide you with a full and thorough hearing test if you experience any loss of hearing. You will then have the information and insight necessary to know how to best take care of your hearing.

Discover and investigate our selection of ear protection products, which can assist in protecting your hearing in a variety of settings. These products include noise-cancelling earplugs, ear defenders, and headphones.

How should I properly clean my ears?

From a medical perspective, the ears typically take care of their own cleaning, therefore active cleaning is frequently unnecessary. Nevertheless, ear wax production varies between individuals (med .: cerumen). So it keeps happening that a blocked ear affects hearing ability.

No much ear wax is produced. Everyone is unique. The output differs between the two ears. Don't forget that the secretion is beneficial and healthful. Its purpose is to get rid of bacteria and filth. It develops in the wax glands, or glandulae ceruminosae as they are known medically. The anterior ear canal is where the glands are found. Only that secretion is present. It is produced by glands that are slightly modified sweat glands.

In general, it is made up of about a thousand different chemicals, not all of which are well known. Antibacterial substances are also present in the cerumen to make things as challenging as possible for the little invaders. Another justification for leaving adequate wax in your ears is this. since doing so may help to avoid illnesses like otitis media. A blocked ear is caused by inadequate ear wax removal. The only thing that can dissolve it then is liquid.

How can you clean your own clogged ears?

Step 1: When taking a shower or bath, deliberately let some lukewarm water go into your ear.

Step 2: Chewing motions stimulate the ear, which discharges the liquid.

Step 3: Use a napkin to wipe the liquid from the auricle that starts to leak after a few minutes.

Step 4: If there is still no improvement, clean your ears with a spray or rinse solution from the pharmacy.

Step 5: Still no improvement? Visit a physician for ear, nose, and throat issues (ENT).

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