Pores around the follicles sometimes blocked by the natural occurrence of the exfoliation of dead skin cells.
This blockage of the pores of sebum causes obstruction flow or oil that normally runs on a broken-, causing their accumulation and stagnation. Bacteria begin to grow from stagnant fat under the skin, forming microcomedones that eventually lead to acne.
The non-inflammatory acne
Non-inflammatory acne includes pimples and blackheads, which are collectively called comedones. Comedones are added microcomedones manifested as pimples and blackheads on the surface of the skin.
A white dot is formed when the bacteria remain in the sebum of the surface of the skin and little swell slightly showing on the surface of the skin. They may look like small white spots, or may be extremely small to be imperceptible to the human eye.
A black dot, on the other hand, is formed when bacteria and sebum trapped under the surface of the skin partially. The results blackening interaction with the melanin or the skin color. Pimples may persist because the trapped sebum and bacteria from the skin drain very slowly.
Blackheads can release their contents Tallow previously blocked curing, or may cause a rupture in the follicle wall will cause inflammation of the skin.
Inflammatory acne
A break in the follicle wall can cause inflammation of the skin and start the chain of events leading to the formation of a pimple scars. At the beginning of the break, the white blood cells to the area under the skin, which causes the formation of a papule. A form of papule little pink grains that can hurt manifests touch.
After a few days, a papule becomes a pustule, when the white blood cells that fight against indicated that the area under the wall of the ruptured follicle made their way to the surface under the skin.
Therefore, the pustules are considered white or yellow pus-filled lesions in the skin. The pustules are what people usually refer to "buttons" or "zits".
If the follicle ruptures and collapses completely, a nodule is formed. It is formed of a solid lesion in the skin. The nodules can appear large and often painful.
If complex inflammatory reactions occur, nodules progress in what is called a cyst. These penetrate deeper under the skin and is filled with pus, and are generally the types of grains that cause scarring.
What Causes Acne?
The experts can not identify a single cause for acne, but there are a number of factors that are considered "risk factors" and increase the likelihood of acne.
The hormonal changes of puberty and menstrual cycles, excess sebum or oil production, environmental irritants such as dirt and pollution, skin irritation from the washing disk or spots constant contact, and stress are some of the possible factors that can trigger acne.
Acne prevention
Although there is no truth that eating chocolate and nuts, or dirty skin causes acne, there are still a variety of ways to prevent acne is valid.
The first is to wash the skin, but not excessively. Usually gently wash with mild soap or face a mild facial cleanser twice a day works well. Washing too much too vigorously can cause skin irritation and more acne trigger. It is important to wash your skin after exercise also because sweat can block the skin and cause the appearance of acne.
Treatment of acne
Because the speed buttons to enable access acne are many and varied, the appearance of acne can be inevitable. Treatment of acne, however, not be difficult.
There are many over the counter products that help treat acne, and these include benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. The oxygen benzoyl peroxide helps the skin to better integrate loosening pores and help drain the pores of the blocks for proper drainage of sebum. Salicylic acid, on the other hand, can help dry the healing grain and speed.
Apart from this, a specialist in treating people dermatologist skin can help create a personalized treatment for acne skin.
They can prescribe topical, such as gels and creams or drug treatments directed toward solving the clumping of abnormal cells around the follicles treatments, reducing oil production, discouraging the persistence of bacteria and reduce the risk of skin inflammation.
It is important to note that even if the treatment and helps clear skin, treatment should be carried out continuously until the dermatologist advised to stop. Continued treatment may help prevent a new outbreak of acne attack.
By: Sam Greg
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