Lose weight and get healthy diet

Lose weight and get healthy dietLose weight and get healthy diet - There are a number of factors to consider in a weight loss plan is developed. Understanding of the major food groups is an important step.

There are three main groups of foods, complex carbohydrates (rice, pasta, bread, porridge, noodles, potatoes, etc.). Complex carbohydrates are a source of food energy.

The body converts carbohydrates into glycogen and stores it in the muscles and liver to your body to use as fuel. Excess carbohydrates in your diet can lead to weight gain fat and water. fats (butter, oils, butter, cream, animal fats). Fat is still a source of fuel used by the body. Gram for gram, fat has more calories in it than carbohydrates and protein complexes.

Excess fat in the diet can lead to weight gain. Protein (chicken, fish, beef, turkey, eggs, milk, cheese, etc.). The protein is used by the body for growth and repair. The protein is not an energy source. 

The key to losing weight through diet alone, manages its energy needs. Excess fuel is not used by exercise or activity can lead to weight gain. At the same time, if your diet is too strict to limit the amount of food you can eat, soon hungry and dreaming of all the food you might be eating.

This type of food will only work in the long term. It will not be long before you start to eat more to compensate for their feelings of hunger.

A diet you can live with, that will not leave you hungry need. Eat three meals a day and three snacks between meals will increase your metabolism, especially if you eat the right kind of food. This diet is rich in protein contains low carbohydrate and low fat.

You can fill you in fruits and vegetables, in addition to having a lot of protein. Its main meals include two 350 grams of fish, chicken, lean red meat, turkey or an omelet made six egg whites and two yolks. 

Do not have more than 200 grams of complex carbohydrates in each meal. You can eat all you want of these vegetables (broccoli, green beans, carrots, cauliflower, mushrooms, beets, lettuce, cabbage, leeks, tomatoes, kale, celery, spinach, peppers, herbs, l garlic, onion, watercress and water). 

Trim fat from meat and remove skin from poultry. Having a portion of oily fish a day. Their snacks between meals will result. Have three pieces of fruit as snacks between meals. You can have a lawyer by day.

Have three or four tablespoons of olive oil per day and reduce its seasoning and seasoning. Drink two to three liters of water a day. Water fills you up and keeps you hydrated. This loss of power control weight of at least eight to ten weeks.

Hi my name is Mark Somma. I hope you like this weight loss diet and try it. For more about the best diet plan available click on the link here.
By: Mark Somma

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