How to treat acne with Aloe Vera

How to treat acne with Aloe Vera
How to treat acne with Aloe Vera - Acne, a long duration of disease of the skin, affects almost everyone at some point in their lives. It appears on the surface of the skin when the skin pores become clogged by the secretion of sebum from sebaceous glands.  

This problem usually begins with the onset of puberty and becomes more prevalent during adolescence. However, it happens to men and women, regardless of age.

Acne is a stubborn problem skin, but can successfully treat this problem with the miracle plant called aloe vera. Loaded with powerful healing of the skin and antibacterial properties, aloe vera has been used for years for various skin problems like acne.

What makes Aloe Vera so useful for treating acne 
Aloe vera has been used in many skin care products proves effective for skin problems. Aloe vera is considered a cure for acne is surprising because it contains a large number of agents tannins, vitamin C, A and E, minerals, carbohydrates and amino acids useful.

It lets us know how aloe vera is useful for treating acne!

It is antibacterial: Aloe vera contains saponin which confers antibacterial and antifungal properties. Thus, the use of aloe vera kills bacteria that cause acne named as Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes). Its application to the skin to check the further breakdown of acne.

It works as a disinfectant: Aloe vera works as a good disinfectant. He is infected acne skin and infection control, which in turn control the spread of acne.

It is anti-inflammatory: Loaded with anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera reduces inflammation of the skin affected by acne.
Hydrates the skin: As aloe vera contains 99% water, the use hydrates the skin healthy and nourished.

It is a good moisturizer: Aloe vera acts as a good moisturizer, which makes it more elastic application, the skin smooth and supple.

Is healthy skin, has excellent curing properties of the skin, aloe vera provides a soothing effect to irritated skin, which is due to acne. Its use rejuvenates the skin and makes it healthy.

Using Aloe Vera for acne

The wonder aloe vera plant can be used in many ways to treat acne. You can get rid of acne successfully using aloe vera remedies in the comfort of your home.

1. Apply only to the skin Aloe Vera 
It is considered one of the easiest remedies for acne aloe vera, it does not require other ingredients to be mixed therein. It is 100% pure aloe vera to treat your acne safely.

Mandatory Ingredient:

Aloe Vera Leaf - 1
A knife
A small bowl


Take a large piece of aloe vera and wash it under running water to remove dirt from him.
Cut open the sheet and pull the gel in a small bowl with a spoon.
Wash your face with antibacterial soap and warm water, then dry with a clean towel.
Apply gel on acne-prone skin and let dry completely.
Rinse thoroughly with water.
Use this remedy at least twice a day to prevent outbreak of acne and acne scars fade. 

Note: If you do not have aloe vera plant at home, you can buy aloe vera naturally available on the market. 

2. Aloe Vera decoction
This remedy is useful for treating acne problems because it will clean your skin against bacteria and other impurities. This remedy takes very less time to prepare.

Necessary ingredients:

Aloe Vera Leaf - 1
   *   Water - 2 cups
   *   A pan
   *   a colander


Take aloe vera leaf and washed with water to remove impurities.
   *   Cut aloe vera license into small pieces.
   *   Take 2 cups water in a saucepan and add the pieces of aloe vera for her.
   *   Boil the leaves for 15 to 20 minutes, then let it become cold.
   *   Strain and use this concoction to clean the skin of acne affected.
   *   It will operate as a disinfectant and make your acne free skin with regular use. Repeat this remedy twice daily for best results.

3. Aloe Vera, lemon juice and egg:
Adding white aloe vera egg it an effective remedy for acne. When the egg white dry skin, dirt up and absorbs excess sebum from the skin. The gentle astringent properties of the egg also give a good toning effect on the skin.

The lemon juice acid content kills P. acnes bacteria that cause acne. It works as a powerful disinfectant. Besides also exfoliates the skin by removing dead skin cells, making healthy and less prone to acne skin. It also clarifies acne scars.

Things needed:

   *   Aloe Vera Gel - 2 tbsp
   *   Egg - 1
   *   Fresh lemon juice - 1 tbsp
   *   A small bowl


* Volume 1 egg and separate the white part of it in a small bowl.  
* Add 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel to the egg and mix well.  
* Add fresh lemon juice and mix again.  
* Apply the mask to the area affected by acne and dry the skin completely.  
* Rinse the mask under running water.  
* Dry the area with a clean towel.  
* Use this mask once a day if you have oily skin, which is more prone to acne. 

4. Aloe Vera and honey 
This is a powerful remedy for acne because acne removal combines both properties of aloe vera and honey. Contains antifungal and antibacterial properties, honey kills bacteria that cause acne. Its anti-inflammatory properties soothe irritated skin, reduce redness and inflammation. Its application also provides a moisturizing effect on the skin while moisturizing the acne prone skin be healthy.

Necessary ingredients:

Aloe Vera Gel - 1 tablespoon
* Manuka honey - 1 tablespoon
* A small bowl 


In a small bowl take aloe vera gel and honey.
Mix ingredients and apply to both the skin affected by acne.
Leave on the skin for 20-25 minutes.
Rinse the area with warm water and dry with a clean towel. 

Note: Always use manuka honey to prepare this remedy because it is purer and effective for treating acne. 

5. Aloe Vera, milk and sugar 
This fight acne remedy also give skin healthy, smooth and glowing. The sugar glycolic acid exfoliate the skin and promote cell renewal. In addition to sugar, which functions as a humectant to keep skin moisture.

The milk in this remedy will provide a moisturizing effect and tone the skin.

Necessary ingredients:

Aloe Vera Gel - 2 tbsp
Milk - ½ teaspoon
Sugar - 1 tbsp
A small bowl 


In a small bowl, take the sugar and milk and mix well until the sugar melts in the milk properly.
Add the aloe vera gel and mix well for him.
Applying this mixture to the skin affected by acne.
Leave it on your skin for 20-25 minutes.
Wash the area with warm water and dry with a clean towel.
Apply this remedy once a day regularly until completely get rid of acne.

6. Aloe Vera Gel and Calendula tincture
Calendula properties make it an effective remedy to get rid of acne. The antibacterial property calendula kills acne bacteria-housing. It also relieves inflammation and reduces the infection of the skin.

Necessary ingredients:

     *  Aloe Vera Gel - 3 tablespoons
     *  Tincture of calendula - 2 tbsp
     *  The boiled and cooled water - ¼ cup
     *  Cotton towel


    *  Take aloe vera gel and calendula tincture mix thoroughly.
    *  Add ¼ cup of boiled water to this mixture and mix again.
    *  Soak a clean cotton towel into the mixture and squeeze out excess liquid.
    *  Wash problem areas with this towel.
    *  The repetition of this remedy, at least twice a day will give you the desired results against acne.

7. Aloe Vera, oatmeal and glycerin 
Oats are anti-inflammatory in nature, so use this remedy can reduce redness and inflammation of the skin affected by acne. Apart from that, it also exfoliates the skin, which is considered the first step in treating acne. It works to rejuvenate and refresh the skin.Glycerol using various fat cure skin problems like acne. Apart from that also makes soft and flexible with its skin hydration.

Things needed:

Aloe Vera Pulp - 1 tablespoon
*  Glycerin - 1 tablespoon
*  Oatmeal - 1 tablespoon
Water - 1 tbsp


Take all ingredients and ground into a thick paste.
*  Apply this paste on the acne affected and let stand for 10 to 15 minutes the skin.
*  Rinse your face with clean water.
*  Use this remedy to get rid of inflammation, which is due to acne.
*  Regular application of this remedy will definitely help get rid of acne and its associated symptoms.

8. Aloe Vera, honey, milk and turmeric 
Aloe vera, honey and milk have different properties for treating acne and is added at their turmeric, the resulting solution is even more effective for the treatment of acne. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory turmeric treats acne problems successfully properties. In addition, its antibacterial property kills bacteria that cause acne P.acne.

Rose water gives an anti-inflammatory effect and hydration of the skin affected by acne.

Things needed:

*  Aloe Vera Gel - 1 tablespoon
*  Turmeric powder - 1 tablespoon
Milk - 1 tablespoon
*  Honey - 1 tablespoon
*  Rose water - drops


*  Mix all the ingredients to form a smooth paste.
*  Apply the paste on the affected skin.
*  Leave on the skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with clear water affected area.
*  Dry the skin with a clean towel.
*  Use this remedy at least once a day to treat acne completely.

Further information

*  You can also add essential oils like eucalyptus oil, tree oil tea, grapefruit oil with aloe vera gel to prepare the remedy to get rid of acne.

To get the aloe vera gel, always choose the largest license plant.

*  Always use aloe vera gel to prepare fresh remedy because it will be more effective.

*  The aloe vera gel application can cause irritation in people who are allergic to garlic, onions and tulips and cause side effects such as swelling, burning, redness and rashes. So before using aloe vera home remedies on skin, do a test by applying a small amount of aloe vera gel on the skin. After waiting a few minutes, if not irritate the skin, then you can go ahead with aloe vera home remedies for acne.

*  Aloe vera not only treats acne but also many other skin problems like sunburn, burns, irritations, allergies, etc.

If you have an aloe vera plant in your home, then treating acne problems, it is not a big deal at all. If you do not have one, then plant and maintain the ugly, unsightly acne at bay.  
By: Sharib 

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