You can practice mindfulness in just 15 minutes a day

You can practice mindfulness in just 15 minutes a day
You can practice mindfulness in just 15 minutes a day - In a study conducted by Dr. James E. Stahl and his team of Harvard researchers, study volunteers participated in a mind-body relaxation eight weeks provided by the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine General Hospital Massachusetts. The program teaches a series of mind-body skills.

Dr. Stahl, who is now at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, teaches his own abilities and attention patients meditation practice in internal medicine and encourages people to practice every day. He says there is no need to enroll in a formal program, or even spend a lot of practice time - 10-15 minutes a day to do. Consistency is the key.

Here is a guide on how to integrate mindfulness skills in their daily lives:

  * Relax at the end of the day with a guided meditation of 15 minutes. Keep guided meditations or podcasts on your phone or tablet for easy access. Guided meditations are available through:
           # applications of space or meditation Oasis
           # UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center
           # the Chopra Center
           # Meditation teacher Tara Brach that
  * Start the day with a base sequence of yoga Sun Salutation.

If you are a beginner, try these changes (video):

          # Dive into Plank pose a foot at a time, instead of jumping back.
          # Drop your knees on the ground, in Lower Plank (four staff members) represent to support and strengthen the core muscles.

          # Cobra Pose substitute in place of the dog's attitude to the rise in undergraduate salute to warm the lower back.

  * Consult your breath for 10-15 minutes for a lunch break. Close your eyes and realize where the tension stored in your body. As your breathing becomes slow and gentle, imagine sending your breath in this area inhalation. Imagine a knot loosening your expiration. Repeat this cycle with each inhalation and exhalation.

Make a body scan in 10-15 minutes. Find a comfortable chair or lie down. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. First, focus on their feet. Note any tension, pain or stress. Breathe slowly and deeply as you focus your attention on the area of ​​your body.  

As if you scan your body with light, slowly move your attention upwards. Notice how each section of your body feels as you continue to breathe slowly, shins, knees, thighs and hips, lower back and abdomen, chest and upper back, neck and shoulders, and finally head.

Try a variety of approaches to find what sticks. Daily practice works best, but if you have a busy schedule, to practice at least three or four times a week. And do not give up if you feel like you do not work immediately. These techniques are like any other skill or training - the more you do, the more you get.
By: Marlynn Wei,MD,JD
Created and Presented by: Harvard Health Publication 

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  1. Thank you for these posts and links, I hope this will come in handy.

    1. ok, hopefully it will bring goodness to you and your family.
