Resistance is not only to fulfill our professional obligations, but also to enjoy life after work. In a world where he is already tired after busy schedule throughout the day, they left little time for the grueling training.
All you need is peace and strength and what could be more peaceful than yoga, where there are many ways available to perform. On the bright side, requiring no tools and can be performed at any time, even at 12:00. The only thing you should know is the knowledge of the correct postures to match your desire.
So then listed the Top 10 Yoga Poses that stimulate Stamina:
Boat pose
In addition, it is known as Naukasana. As asana makes your body tremble and the pain of the thighs and stomach, strength and the will to keep for a long time is needed. In this position, lift the top and bottom of the buttocks and in the form of a boat. Keep the position for a long period gradually increases its resistance. In addition to increased resistance, this position is large shed off extra fat.
Straddle pose
In this position, when your legs as much as possible and keep your hands in a position parallel between his outstretched legs, he feels pain in the thighs. After 5 minutes, in order to hold the position for more than 5 minutes. With the will and strength, increased resistance will be felt.
Child pose
This position is also known as virasana. Sitting on the buttocks with legs bent, trying to touch the floor with your palms and nose. In addition to increased resistance, this position is useful for stretch your back and spine. So now say goodbye to any kind of pain and fatigue back in your body.
Bridge Pose
Lie on the floor in a vertical position. Place your hand on the side of the trash on the floor, lift your lower body upward. Try to keep the position for 5 minutes or more. To improve your endurance, continue to add numbers to this duration gradually. This yoga pose helps to stretch the neck, chest and pine. If there is a digestion problem and sore legs, then also they disappear.
Plough Pose
In this position, you lie on your back straight and lift both legs, and finally rest your feet behind your head. Keep your back support. This position has many advantages not increase endurance. Benefits such as toning the lower body, strengthening the neck, shoulders and back muscles, and strengthen the immune system are associated with this position.
Goddess Pose
In addition to providing resistance, this position causes pain during their menstrual days. To pose, standing and keep the sides separated feet. Legs bent at 45 degrees and gradually increasing the distance. Also, stretch your arms to the sides.
Lotus Pose
This position requires you to stay in the state of the bent leg. Try to keep your feet on top of the other. Now take a deep breath and exhale slowly. In the initial phase, it seems difficult to maintain the pose and the procedure, but you are trying to extend the duration of 5 minutes, it will add more strength in you. The other benefits you can get from this position is less hair loss, and the reduction of belly fat.
Crane Pose
This position is also known as Bakasana. It focuses on keeping the balance. In this position, your body needs to balance everything in his hands. Bend your knees and keeping your arms straight on the floor like a dog's position based on the funds, raise funds in the folding step. Make sure your arms between her thighs. Fight in the position for more than 5 minutes. Add to strength and flexibility as well.
Plow Pose
Also known as Halasana, this position is high resistance to progress. To pose, stand straight and bend your knees and feet slowly to 30 degrees. Now keep your hands in front of you. Be statue in the same pose and increase duration over time to accumulate an immense force.
In addition, it is known as sirsasana. For those who fear the loss of hair and brain active, and resistance, making this position is an excellent choice. Today, that vision is famous as a turn in the hip-hop dance.
All you need to do is lay hands vajrasana reinforcing the head and lift your legs straight in the air. You transfer the blood into your brain feel, but not to panic because it will cause no good. Being in the same position for several minutes as possible.
The source of the article here.
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