19 foods that make hair strong and healthy

19 foods that make hair strong and healthy19 foods that make hair strong and healthy - I always say that everything you put into your body through your hair.  

It is super real! This is why drug testing through the hair fiber, or why people sick in a large number of drugs have brittle hair.  

So with that said, it should make sense that if you have bad eating habits, you can expect your hair to be unhealthy as well. Note that the hair you see on the outside of your body is dead. There are not many things you can do to change that hair, but new hair growth may be stronger and healthier. In this article, I will discuss the main foods that make your hair grow healthy and long.

1. Spinach 

Spinach is an excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin C, which your body needs to produce sebum. Sebum is the natural oil secreted by hair follicles of the scalp. It works like body natural hair conditioner. Spinach is also full of iron and calcium.

2. Tomatoes 

Lycopene is found in tomatoes, and is also found in the prostate gland. Male pattern baldness and prostate problems are caused by the same chemical, dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Lycopene has antioxidant that reduces the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT, preventing male pattern baldness. 

Lycopene is the most potent when it comes from cooked tomato products such as tomato sauce or tomato paste. They are also rich in biotin, vitamin A and vitamin C, which are all great for healthy hair.

3. Beans 

Beans as beans and lentils are a very important part of a healthy diet hair. In addition to proteins, which have a lot of iron, zinc and biotin. Biotin deficiencies resulting in unhealthy hair. It is nicknamed the "hair growth" vitamin.

4. Kiwis

Kiwifruit are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants. Vitamin C helps your hair to prevent splitting and breaking. They are also rich in vitamin E, folic acid, zinc, calcium and iron, which are all great for healthy hair.

5. Chicken

Chicken is an excellent source of high quality protein which develops from healthy hair. Without enough protein or low quality protein, you should wait until you weak brittle hair or loss of hair color.

Hair is made up of 91% protein. It makes sense right? If your body does not get the amount of protein you need, it will cut off the supply to the hair first.

6. Eggs

Eggs are one of the best sources of protein there. No matter how you eat them, they are perfect for hair.

7. Red Wine

Red wine contains bioflavonoids, which are known to help the growth of the keratin and to protect against degradation of keratin. The antioxidants in red wine are great for you, as a natural molecules work by neutralizing "free radicals" in the body. If free radicals are left alone, they can damage the ring structure of healthy cells, leaving them open to disease.

8. Whole Grains

Complex carbohydrates such as those found in whole grains, help the body to assemble the proteins for hair growth. They also contain a large amount of zinc, iron and vitamin B.

9. Dark chocolate

You're probably very happy to read this. However, please note that I speak of chocolate with a high content of flavonoids and it is composed of 60 percent cocoa. This type of chocolate helps skin stay hydrated and protected against sun damage.  

Fresh cocoa has the highest levels of antioxidants in the world. At twice the antioxidants of red wine and three times the antioxidants of green tea. As red wine, which contains high levels of flavonoids, with calcium, zinc, iron and vitamin B. 

10. Milk

When people think of getting your calcium intake necessary to think about milk. We thank all those "Got Milk?" This advert. But it is true; Milk is one of the best sources of calcium and the calcium is important for hair growth.  

Calcium is used by the hair follicles to produce a keratinized protein, which make them look shiny and strong hair. The milk also contains whey and casein, which are two sources of high quality protein.

11. Oysters

Oysters are rich in zinc, which facilitates cellular skin renewal and repair. It is an essential ingredient healthy hair. Above all, they are considered an aphrodisiac, so have fun eating.

12. Camotes 

Sweet potatoes are full of beta-carotene, which protects against aging. Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A when the body needs it, with the continued growth and development of bone and protects the nerve fibers, which leads to healthy hair, skin and nails.

13. Bacon 

Did you ever think you'd see the day when you read "bacon" on a list of things that are good for you? Although it will not help you lose weight, bacon is high in protein, B vitamins and zinc.

14. Red meat 

First of all, red meat is high in protein. It is also an excellent source of vitamin B, zinc and iron, which are essential for healthy hair. Just be careful not to eat too much because it can cause high cholesterol and too much protein can cause the accumulation of uric acid (as a result of undigested proteins) that can lead to hair loss.

15. Carrots

Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which helps to promote a healthy scalp. Since hair is grown in the scalp, it is advisable to maintain a healthy environment for hair to grow. = Healthy scalp healthy hair.

16. Yogurt

Yogurt contains probiotics, which are good bacteria that live in the stomach. These bacteria help your body absorb proteins and good vitamins and minerals that are essential for hair growth. You can eat all the protein in the world, but if your stomach is not in good condition, just be wasted.

17. Blueberries 

These delicious berries have the highest levels of antioxidants of all fruits. Antioxidants, among other great things, protect against premature aging.

18. Salmon 

Salmon is one of the best food available for beautiful hair. Naturally loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamin B-12 and iron, which are essential for hair growth. Omega-3 fatty acids support scalp health and a deficiency can result in a dry scalp, with dull hair.

19. Nuts 

Different types of nuts offer different benefits. Walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 essential fatty acid that the conditions of her hair. Cashews, almonds, pecans and walnuts are good sources of zinc, which protects the hair to pay. Brazil nuts are one of the best sources of selenium, an important element for the health of your scalp mineral. Pine nuts are an excellent source of protein, which is essential for hair growth. 
By: Hollee Ecknrode 

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