Acne Treatment - Pharmacological Route

Acne Treatment - Pharmacological RouteAcne Treatment - Pharmacological Route - Acne can be divided into several levels depending on the severity and type of injury is mild grade I and grade IV being serious that can lead to scarring and disfigurement.

Acne can be a debilitating disease and can cause severe psychological stress and isolation of their peers.

The different degrees of acne are:

Grade I - comedones (blackheads or whiteheads)

Grade II - red rash also known as papules

Grade III - pustules or pus-filled lesions that serum or yellow liquid

Level IV - nodulocystic or injury with depth

There are infinite ways of treating acne available both doctor prescribed and over the counter. Line treatment also varies depending on the degree of acne. Treatment of acne may be divided into topical and oral medications.

Subjects. These are creams and ointments used for surface application on the acne lesions. Various cream options are: 

Facewash drug - Clean twice a day with a wash of 5% benzoyl peroxide. An alternative for those who are allergic to benzoyl peroxide is salicylic acid 2%. 

The clindamycin phosphate - is a useful antibiotic for solving gel acne lesions by reducing the bacterial population P. acnes 

Benzoyl peroxide - is again available in two antibiotic gel concentrations of 2.5% and 5%. The mechanism of action is the same as clindamycin phosphate. 

Salicylic acid - is a mild keratolytic agent and causes a reduction in the size of the sebaceous glands and thus reduces the severity of acne lesions. 

Nicotinamide - Gel is an antibiotic that reduces the bacterial population and size of the sebaceous glands concerned. 

Retinoids - These are the agents that regulate the net growth of the skin, reducing the size of epidermal modulation acne lesions. Retinoids should be avoided in women planning to conceive or are pregnant. Direct exposure to sunlight should also be avoided.

Oral medications. These are tablets that complement the topical treatment.  

Doxycycline - helps reduce acne by reducing the population of P. acnes bacteria.  

Minocycline - also reduces the size of acne lesions by preventing the growth of bacteria P. acnes.  

Azithromycin - was administered in a pulse dose and reduces bacteria and thus prevents the recurrence of acne lesions.  

Retinoids - Oral retinoids are the mainstay of treatment for severe form of acne and acne scars. It should be used strictly after consulting your dermatologist.  

We suggest you not to go for self-medication and to have one of the above treatments, under the supervision of a dermatologist.  

No pharmacological methods available as well as for the treatment of acne which I will cover in my next blog. So stay tuned :)  

This article was written by Dr. Saurav. You can read more http://www.skinclinicbangalore.com
By: Kisalay Saurav 


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