Acne types and perfect solution to overcome

Acne types and perfect solution to overcomeAcne types and perfect solution to overcome - Normally we associate with teenage acne. However, it is a common mistake.  

Acne is a skin disease that are not specific to the phase of "growth" of a human body. It can affect the skin of adults. Therefore, it is important to know about the most common types of acne. This will help you recognize and understand a specific type of acne and treat as required.

Let's look at some of the most common types of acne in stock:

# 1. Whitehead

A Whitehead acne is perhaps most often seen. In medical terms, a whitehead is popular for the term "closed comedones". A small white head on the skin when the pore under it accumulates fat or oil. The reason for this is the white acne is clogged the pores of the skin not receiving air, and thereby becomes white due to the absence of oxidation.

# 2. Bullets 

As a whitehead, blackheads are clogged pores also not inflamed. In medical terms, blackheads are popular with the term "open comedones". This means that the tops of the blackheads are open and consequently the exposure to air is high. Oxidized sebum air and keratin, and thus becomes affected black pores.

# 3 Papules 

A papule is a small bump and tapered company that is red or pink. When irritated Whitehead (mainly due to touches of your fingers too), swollen and inflamed. In short, a papule is an inflamed whitehead. Initially, no pus in a papule. However, you can go ahead full of pus and become a pustule.

# 4. Pustules 

As indicated above, a pustule is pus filled hard papule. Normally, its color is red with a yellow or white center together. The pus yellow or white just visible inside. Although you might be tempted to pop a pimple, it is best to consult a dermatologist to properly expressed.

Prevention is better than cure

You are never 100% sure when it comes to acne. However, you can of course reduce instances to take necessary precautions. What are these precautions?

You have to consider Google as their best friend. It can help you gain valuable information on your skin. Based on the information you receive, you can buy acne treatment products and skin care. Such as oil or sebum accumulation is one of the main causes of the formation of acne, you should clean your face when you have the chance. 

It is also important to eat leafy vegetables (especially) fresh and healthy food. You should also know how to use DSE dermatology software, to make it easy to support its care of your smartphone or tablet regimen of skin.

Juliette Deschanel is a doctor based in San Diego, CA. She is also an avid blogger. In this article, she speaks of the common types of acne and provides some practical tips to prevent a healthy diet, cleansing the skin often, and know how to operate the EHR software dermatology. 
By: Juliette Deschanel  

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