In most cases, acne is an inherited disorder of the pores. Poros normal jet on a layer of dead skin cells in the pores of the day.
The pore prone to acne throws up to five layers of dead cells daily and the body simply can not cope with this level of exfoliation.
The pores become clogged with dead skin cells, oil or tallow and create congestion under the skin to create the ideal environment for bacteria to grow.
If bacteria are present, these clogged pores lead to inflammation, redness and the formation of a microcomedo or grain.
Not all acne lesions are created equal. Acne has many faces, but there are two main types. No swollen and inflamed. Non-inflamed acne, is a black or white point. Acne occurs when ignited black or white breaks and irritates the follicle that causes redness, swelling, pastules and / or pustules.
What Causes Acne?
There are many myths about the causes of acne. The truth is that nobody knows exactly what causes acne or excessive production of shedding of skin cells. But we can identify the "triggers" acne and other factors that can contribute to acne, including hormones, stress, medications, exercise and cosmetic products.
Debunking the Myths - The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
Do hormones cause epidemics?
It is not a myth, but requires some clarification. It is in fact their hormones generally causing extensive, is the "imbalance" hormones that can lead to lower estrogen levels and causes an increase in oil production. Some other factors that can contribute to the development of acne include stress, medication, exercise and cosmetic products.
Acne is caused by dirty skin.
This is absolutely not true. Acne begins deeply into the pores, and is caused by excessive shedding of dead skin cells. It has nothing to do with dirt or oil on the surface of the skin. You can wash your face several times a day (not recommended), and will not stop acne from forming.
Acne is a skin disease. When your body is unable to rid skin cells excessive shedding, which are trapped inside your pores and cause problems. Therefore it is very important to use the right mix of products to penetrate into the pores, increase exfoliation, and stop acne where it starts.
Eating too much chocolate, drinking soda or eating fries cause acne.
While these are all "triggers acne" are not the cause of acne. As a matter of fact, is not the food itself, but rather what is in / on foods. For example, no chips which aggravates acne, is the "salt" in the chips. A diet (salt) iodide may worsen acne.
An iodine once enters the blood, the excess is excreted by our sebaceous glands. This irritates the pores that cause inflammation and rashes. Foods high in sugar, such as chocolate and soft drinks, are also known to cause inflammation inside the pore. Generally, the care of your body by eating a healthy and nutritious diet will always result in better looking skin.
You naturally overcome acne
Maybe it will, maybe it will not. Unfortunately, there is no way to determine who and who will not be overcome acne. The culprit, again, is hormones. Hormones are still fluid and fluctuate throughout life, and so do the escapes. The good news is that regardless of age, acne can be treated with appropriate care and treatment products in the home of professional acne.
Specializing in acne and owner of Soule Skin Spa in Woodland Hills, CA, Cheryl specializes in adult and adolescent acne, non-traumatic chemical peels, and treatment of ethnic skin.
If you have questions, or to schedule a confidential consultation with Cheryl, please call 818.715.9757.
By: Cheryl Cotton
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