The Internet is full of websites, blogs and forums that talk about healthy eating habits in terms of which the results you want.
If you want to lose weight, gain a few muscles or you have a specific health problem you want to solve. Everything can be found on the Internet.
By doing a lot of research, I realized the fact that we have not really nutritionists or any expert to realize what a healthy diet. And I'm not talking about the balance of certain ingredients to solve some special medical conditions. I'm talking about obvious facts that can prevent most conditions.
I personally am not a fan of trying to implement radical changes in diet during the night. With this kind of approach a person has little or no chance to make progress.
Small painless changes that develop overtime and become a happy habit is much better and has much more potential to remain and become a long-term habit and a way of life.
my point of view, with all this said, the first step changes in the
diet should eat raw fruits and vegetables, if a person eats at all. If not, then this should be the first step. When you talk about eating raw, I do not plan to eat only carrots and lettuce all day.
Some simple and obvious facts should be considered here. Where is the need to boil or fry some foods that can be eaten as they come? It is scientifically proven long ago that high temperature destroys some vitamins and minerals.
It takes only 40 degrees for vitamin C is destroyed. When
we take this in mind, the obvious question to ask is why it is commonly
accepted by most people as a vegetable soup such as carrots, broccoli
or celery is good for human health, especially when he just flu.
Where does this belief? Everything should be eaten raw. Where is the need to bake a carrot when it is fine as it is? Of course, vegetables such as potatoes, corn and beans should be boiled. Otherwise, it can cause pain gallbladder I know from personal experience.
The second step is to avoid any kind of dairy products. This is enough to consider where is the necessity and reasonableness to stop drinking milk as a baby, then change to drink cow's milk for the rest of your life?
For me, the third step should be to avoid eating foods that contain gluten. This includes wheat, oats and of course, all the baked goods. In almost all the weight loss programs that can be found, it is mentioned that the bread is bad.
Medical studies show that weight gain is not the only bad result that comes from eating baked goods. Dairy havoc is created equal. The human body can not completely digest the parties to undigested, it remains in the body.
parts of our immune system, such as a virus so that it will generate
some complex reactions that damage different tissues in different people
are. It is not surprising that some professional athletes have given up long ago gluten to ensure their best performance.
it seems that the undigested gluten parts have the same influence on
our brains like opium, so that we are literally clinging to gluten! The same happens when you drink milk.
It has been medically proven that certain skin diseases appear because of a gluten intolerance. From personal experience I can say that some seemingly not severe skin problems such as acne, are also a visible result from eating gluten and create chaos in our bodies.
I find the absolute cure for acne problem showing their results, even if they are not yet ready to give up gluten and milk. Or even if you are. As I said, changes in diet should be done slowly.
I find the absolute cure for acne problem showing their results, even if they are not yet ready to give up gluten and milk. Or even if you are. As I said, changes in diet should be done slowly.
But get rid of acne must be quick! Visit AmazonKindle read my book in which I explain everything in detail. I know you will be shocked and surprised.
By: Ivana Urban
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