Using tea tree oil to treat acne

Using tea tree oil to treat acne
Using tea tree oil to treat acne - Acne is a skin disease that can affect men and women in different stages of life, from those difficult teenage years where excess oil can wreak havoc on the skin, and 30 in the 40 years they have never been before can suddenly develop the disease.

Although there are many artificial products that are designed to help eliminate acne, a longstanding and highly effective natural choice is tree oil makers. 

Although toxic when consumed, used in low concentrations as a topical product, you can successfully treat a variety of medical problems and skin.

This product is commonly used to treat acne due to terpinen 4 ol containing a compound known for its anti-microbial properties. When he applied to acne, which can effectively kill bacteria that cause, resulting in a significant reduction in the swelling and redness that come with the condition. 

In this spirit, it is important to note that tea tree oil can be used neat strong, causing irritation of the skin, blisters and itching. For this reason, it is recommended to dilute the product prior to treating acne, as well as see the results without damaging the skin further. 

The product can be diluted by simple mixing with hot water; Try mixing the tea tree oil is an equal share of the hot water before applying it on freshly cleansed face. Care should be taken to mix only apply to areas of skin that suffer from acne, to avoid irritating in other parts of the face.

To apply, use a cotton swab dipped in the mixture and give directly to your acne. If you prefer, you can create an astringent facing you by adding some tree oil drops of tea in a cup of hot water, which can then be applied to the entire face before moisturizing. Because of the potentially irritating oil qualities, avoiding the use of a treatment more than once per day. 

Tea tree oil can also be mixed with other oils and products to create a face lotion or moisturizer. For an all-natural approach, using recipes provided by skin products and natural beauty renowned retailers to make your own face cream, then add some tree oil drops of tea for its properties antimicrobial. 

You can also add some tree oil drops of tea lotion in normal store bought options to create a product for treating your acne. In all cases, do a test on a sensitive area of ​​skin - like the inside of his arm - before applying to the face; apply a tea tree lotion on the skin and leave for a few hours to see if redness or irritation.

If you find that you are sensitive to this oil and causes irritation of the skin during the patch test, there are other natural alternatives available to help improve the appearance of acne. One is argan oil, which has been shown in studies to actually improve the condition. 

Argan oil is a gentle alternative that is very unlikely to cause skin irritation; To use, apply it as a moisturizing night massage a few drops into a clean, damp face before bed. The product promotes healing of the skin and can significantly reduce redness and irritation of acne over time. 

Tea tree oil is very effective in treating acne when used with natural ingredient caution. For best results, dilute with water or mixed with a lotion and use once a day to kill the bacteria that cause acne. If you find that you are sensitive product, do not despair - Soft Argan oil provides a safe and powerful alternative.

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By: B Borseth 

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